What is a LifeGroup?
A LifeGroup is a group of up to 12 people who meet regularly to share, study and to build meaningful friendships. An average meeting lasts for about 90 minutes, and typically includes light refreshments, discussion on our most recent sermon, a chance to catch up what’s going on in each other’s lives, and to pray for one another.
When and Where Do They Meet?
LifeGroups meet on various nights of the week in homes throughout Ottawa and Orleans. Most evening groups meet 7-9 pm. The daytime groups meeting times vary. There’s a day and time to meet most people’s schedules.
How Important Are LifeGroups?
Here at Greenbelt, LifeGroups are one of the key ways to lead people in knowing, living and sharing Jesus. They provide a chance to engage in discussion about the Bible and build relationships in a way that isn’t possible during a Sunday morning worship service. We believe that meeting together on a regular basis is time well spent. LifeGroups are also our primary means of congregational care at Greenbelt.
What is the Required Commitment?
When you’re new to a LifeGroup we encourage you to commit to it for 6 – 8 weeks. Obviously, life happens and it’s not always possible to make it, but participants are strongly encouraged to make the commitment to be there for the entire session. Building community takes time. This commitment is key to a strong LifeGroup, and for a positive experience for you.
What Does It Cost?
The cost of LifeGroups is only the investment of commitment. Some groups share the cost of snacks, but these are discussed at the beginning of the session so there are no surprises. There is no fee to join a LifeGroup.
Are There LifeGroups for Teenagers?
Yes, our Fortress Youth ministry offers Life Groups for students. Although these groups are not included in this publication, they are very important to our church. For more information about youth group, please check out the Fortress Youth page.